Nasce a Bologna dove si laurea in Giurisprudenza e in Scienze Politiche

Opera nelle formazioni cattoliche della Resistenza

Deputato e Senatore nel Parlamento Italiano

Parlamentare Europeo e vice Presidente

Promuove leggi italiane ed europee sulla Cooperazione Internazionale

Fonda il CEFA, ONG bolognese di volontariato internazionale

S.Giovanni Paolo II saluta i parlamentari bolognesi in occasione del pellegrinaggio diocesano

Presidente dell’Assemblea Parlamentare Paritetica tra la Comunità Europea e i Paesi poveri di Africa, Caraibi e Pacifico (CEE-ACP)

Da vita alla Fondazione Nord-Sud. Oggi Fondazione Giovanni Bersani.

Il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana gli conferisce la Medaglia d’Oro al Merito Cooperativo

Laurea Honoris Causa in Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie conferito dall’Università degli Studi di Bologna

“Archiginnasio d’Oro” conferito dal Comune d Bologna

Cittadinanza Onoraria conferita da vari Comuni Italiani (Castel S. Pietro, Crevalcore, Medicina, Minerbio, Gaggio Montano) e dalla città di Elbasan in Albania

Candidato al Premio Nobel per la Pace

“Sigillo d’Oro” conferito dall’Università di Bologna

In Evidenza

Interviews with Scola and Bersani: two giants of thought  and  action and their line of act, of “exporting agricultural cooperation across the world to achieve the financial globalization”



The biography of Giovanni Bersani promoted by the Foundation is the result of a multi-faceted work by collaborators and friends who have undertaken not only to reconstruct life events in the most faithful way possible, but also to contextualize them in the various environments in which Bersani was active, showing his  historical relevance.

The analytical skills, the practical acumen, the dedication of his life, and the joy of promoting  collaboration were the ingredients that have allowed Bersani to leave an indelible and lasting mark in all the many activities he was engaged in: the promotion of Catholic associations, the promotion of co-operation,  legislative activity in the Italian Parliament, the opening up of Italy to international cooperation with new laws and the foundation of NGOs, the bridge built between the European Union and  African countries, as well as his contribution to  world peace.

Inspire by Christian beliefs, his example shows that  great results can be achieved  for the whole society.

Bequeath a world without hunger

The  legacies are an important source of funding for all the Foundations. In fact, every year, the incomes of the legacies are destined specific solidarity projects


Giovanni Bersani devoted his life to helping the most vulnerable and fostering fraternity among  peoples: he is an example of social commitment and solidarity that follows  well in the tradition of Bologna.

(On the occasion of the award of  ‘Archiginnasio d’oro’ medal  by the municipality of Bologna on 3 April 2004).

Giovanni Bersani ha sempre mantenuto un basso profilo, ma le sue imprese hanno ovunque avuto successo, dalla politica alla cooperazione locale e poi internazionale: una vita donata agli ultimi alla ricerca della giustizia.

[Fabio Roversi Monaco, R.d.C. 23.01.2011]

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